DetectPAD is a Medical Equipment Direct Company
Medical Equipment Direct is a market leader in Quick Peripheral Artery Disease Detection

Other Medical Equipment Direct companies include:
  • - providing professional Dopplers, blood pressure monitors, and other equipment for home use and virtual OB visits
  • - providing Dopplers, ABI systems, and medical equipment for healthcare providers
  • - providing at-home Doppler units for expectant parents

  • Started in 1998, by Tom Hansen and Stacie Newman Hansen, Medical Equipment Direct has been serving healthcare providers and mothers worldwide. Offering state of the art equipment and the highest level of customer service and satisfaction.

    We would like to help your office add an easy to implement, profitable diagnostic test to your services. Please let us know how we can help.
    You can email us at info@detectpad or call us directly at 1-877-797-2778.